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Durch unsere Servicetätigkeit helfen wir rasch und unkompliziert in Not befindliche Menschen, vorwiegend aus unserer "Nachbarschaft".


Unsere Unterstützung erfolgt durch:


- Finanzielle Unterstützung / Charity Events

- Man-Power

- schenken von Zeit

- nationale und internationale Projekte (z.B. jährliche Weihnachtspakerlaktion)

How we help ...

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

Wem wir helfen...


Essensgutscheine für

Innsbrucker Familien

alleinerziehende Mutter

mit schwerer Krankheit

€ 2.700,-

Yogalehrerin für Ausrüstung für

eine alternativeYogatherapie

für Jugendliche mit Essstörungen

Unterstützung Vertriebene aus der

Ukraine - vorwiegend Kinder mit

Sport- und Spielgeräten


Tiroler Jugendliche zur Absolvierung

einer notwendigen Psychotherapie

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

10 Familien für Sommervorbereitungs-

schule für Kindergartenkinder

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

Familien für 2-wöchiges

Sommercamp der Kinder

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

alleinerziehende Mutter

mit schwerer Krankheit

2 Tiroler Kinder im

Rollstuhl für Therapie

eine junge Tirolerin

für Wohnraumschaffung

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

alleinerziehende Vater

zur Unterstützung der Kinder

Jugendlicher zur Anschaffung dringend

benötigter Gegenstände & Kleidung


Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

2019 | 2018 | 2017...

Through our service activities we help people in need quickly and easily, mainly from our "neighborhood".


Our support is provided by:


- Financial support / charity events

- Man power

- give time

- national and international projects (e.g. annual Christmas parade )

If you want to support us, we look forward to every donation, no matter how small, to our donation account at Raiffeisenbank Tirol, according to Round Table 3 Innsbruck:


IBAN: AT92 3600 0000 1384 1861


Alternatively, you can use our "Donate" button:


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